Hello world.

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Hey there

👋🏼 Welcome to my blog.

What are we doing here?

I started this blog for a few reasons.

Enchance my technical writing skills

I realize more and more that one of the most valuable traits of great software engineers is being able to effeciently convey your ideas to others in both verbal and written form. Like any other skill, this is something that is developed with time and practice. This is a great outlet to get that practice.

Keep a log of my projects and learnings

After solving an interesting problem, learning something new, or forming a realization, jotting it down both for myself and to share is a practice that I would like to maintain. I believe it will be interesting to look back on at a later date. I hope that others may enjoy and learn from them as well. I believe blogging is a good medium for that purpose.

Force myself to release stuff

Even as I sit here with this blog post mostly completed, I struggle to exit the revision stage and just publish it already. This is a pattern that I fiercely want to break. By writing here, I aim to get in the habit of labelling stuff “Done” even if it is not perfect in my mind - because it will never be. I will subscribe to the Cult of Done.

Another thing to tinker with

I have been intrigued to build something quickly with one of these content-based static site tools such as Hugo or Astro. A blog site is the perfect candidate to try them out.

What to expect

In my job role, I focus mostly on full-stack development and cloud architecture. In my hobby projects, I still do that - but also explore anything I find interesting including playing with AI, programming Arduinos, increasing my Linux knowledge, game development, data visualization, and tinkering with whatever language or framework is currently trendy. From this blog, expect content about all of the above plus whatever else hits my radar.

Why build your own blog site?

I could have simply posted blogs on Medium or dev.to but where is the fun in that? This blog is for the purpose of writing about my hobby projects. The blog itself might as well be one of those projects - and here I am writing about it.

This site is built with Hugo. The theme is my fork of Hugo Winston.

Are you still here?

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I hope to post content here that is compelling and engaging. Stop by regularly to find new posts.